Visit Information
Visitors should arrive 15 minutes before visiting hours to reconfirm with the museum staff!
How to use the ticket
Check the date and time on the ticket to ensure that you arrive at the right time. Visitors should arrive 15 minutes before visiting hours to reconfirm with the museum staff.When you arrive at the museum, look for the entrance or ticket counter. Usually, the attendant will check your ticket here before you go inside.Give your ticket to the attendant and follow their instructions. They may ask you to show the ticket digitally or print it out first.Once your ticket is verified, you will be allowed inside the museum. Don't forget to keep your ticket safe during your visit as you may need to show it again when leaving the museum or for other purposes.Enjoy your museum experience and don't forget to appreciate the artworks and artifacts on display.Security
All bags, backpacks, packages, tripods, selfie sticks, food and drinks are prohibited. You may leave them at the day care center.If you require assistance or the entrance to the Museum presents accessibility barriers, please let our staff know and they will be happy to assist you.Please do not leave your belongings unattended at any time during your visit.Restricted items
Pushchairs are allowed on site. Strollers and buggies can be left free of charge at the Custody Center.Offensive weapons, dangerous chemicals, and other suspicious items will be confiscated prior to clearance.You will be able to retrieve the confiscated items when you leave, provided that there are no legal obstacles.Visitor rules
All visitors entering the Museum agree to abide by the visitor regulations:
Smoking is prohibited in the MuseumPlease stay calm and quiet in the exhibition halls.Do not touch or damage artifacts or artworks.Pay attention to the instructions on the prohibition of using cameras or flash photography in the museum.Do not bring food or drinks into the exhibition halls.Use the trash bins provided to dispose of garbage.Be sure to follow the designated path or route to avoid confusion or safety concerns.If necessary, use the restroom facilities provided inside the museum.It is advisable to supervise children continuously to avoid damage or other problems.Please avoid disturbing other visitors and respect their experience in the museum.The Museum reserves the right to change or modify these rules without prior notice.Special exhibitions may have additional rules.Note: tickets that have been purchased are non-refundable.
If you require assistance or the entrance to the Museum presents accessibility barriers, please let our uniformed staff know and they will be happy to assist you.